Nyama Choma near me
How to make nyama Choma: PHOTO||Courtesy

How To Make Nyama Choma : 5 Simple Hacks 

How To Make Nyama Choma; Have you ever had an impulse to get out of your place, to nowhere in particular, but steered by the desire of succulent, great juicy nyama choma?

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Nyama Choma near me

In Kenya, the love for roasted or grilled meat — is undeniably on another level, hence, the reason you will find a nyama choma joint literally everywhere you go.

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You will find nyama choma in local joints, bars and eateries and even in exotic inns in the country.

In regards to the above,Timesdigital.co.ke takes a look at five simple steps one can use when preparing Nyam Chom as most of you call it.

What is Nyama Choma Made of? 

How to make nyama choma in a sufuria

It can be made from goat meat, beef, or lamb. 

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Simple steps on how to make Nyama choma

Start with obtaining some fresh meat from your preferred butcher. Request a special cut of meat, such as ribs, that is suitable for roasting.

Nyama Choma Ingredients

Then, be sure to make your marinade, which may be made with a slight portion of oil, lemon, salt, chilli powder, garlic powder, ginger powder, paprika, and turmeric, among other condiments.

How to make nyama choma

After applying the marinade to the meat, place it in the refrigerator for at least two hours—overnight is best.

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Now let’s start the grilling process. 

  • Toss the meat over the fire after lighting a grill and allowing the coals to get red hot.
  • Put the meat on the grill once it has reached a sufficient temperature. To a cup of water, add salt and cooking oil.
  • Baste the meat with seasoned water or marinade and turn it occasionally to cook it on all sides.
  • Do not cook the nyama choma over extremely high heat because we want it to have a soft texture.
  • Keep basting the meat; this will keep it wet and stop it from drying out.
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The act of basting is the practise of periodically moistening food, particularly meat, with either melted butter, fat, or a marinade combination, especially while the meal is cooking, to prevent drying out and enrich the flavour of the meat.

  • Check the meat’s inner doneness by slicing it once it has turned golden brown. When finished, wrap it in foil and put it on the warming rack or over low heat until you’re ready to serve.

What are the common side dishes served with nyama choma? 

In most cases this meal is usually served with kachumbari ugali, rice &chapati.

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How much is nyama choma in Nairobi? 

A kilogram ranges between Kshs 700 to Kshs 1300.

What are the side effects if eating nyama Choma? 

Consumption of this delicacy has its own risks and may lead to illnesses like stroke, type 2 diabetes,cancers, infections, kidney and liver disease.

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What is the English Name Of nyama choma? 

In 2022,it was included in the English dictionary.

Kenyans simply can’t resist munching on the dish, which is frequently used to refer to roasted beef cooked over an open flame. 

This Kenyan delicacy acquired international recognition after the Oxford English Dictionary included it to its list of words.

“It’s one of 200 new and revised entries from East African English in the latest update of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). The OED is one of the most respected sources for the language,” BBC reported


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